Debian MariadDb Error Can not create test file

Published 09/18/2019 16:29:35 Edit 09/19/2019 13:43:12 by 1230106401
Can not create test file, your MariaDb server will not start anymore.

#debian #installation #mariadb
This is because in the configuration file of MariaDb the "datadir" and in "/ home" and there is a restriction of use of the directory "/ home"
If you can not change the "datadir" target, you must:
Edit the file: "/etc/systemd/system/"
Change the value of the parameter:
"ProtectHome = true"
"ProtectHome = false"
Be careful not to comment or delete the parameter because at the next update of this part the parameter will return to "ProtectHome = true" and you will search for 1 hour how you did the last time ...

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